Step 1: Fill Out Registration Info
for Each Attendee on Form below *
* SHOP.COM / Market America UnFranchise Owners
must provide each 9 digit Distributor ID #s.
* Non-Distributors: please enter "Non-Distrib"
When finished, click " Continue to Payment Information > " button.
Step 2: Enter total # of Attendees in "Qty" box, then click " Add Total Attendees fo Cart > " button.
Step 3: Step by step, follow the secure purchase procedure, then click " Place Order " button.
Step 4: Print your Order Acknowledgement and bring it with you to the WCT Training.
Step 5: Look in your email for your email order confirmation and print it out and save this file for your records. It will contain your access link for the WCT Training Outline, which you should share with all the attendees. Let all attendees know that they should print out their training outlines and bring it with them to the WCT Training.